So its time again, its been nearly two long years since ive last wrote anything, its time dear readers for a catch up.
So whats been happening? lockdown because of that stupid covid, yes lets start with covid...
Fairly sure I caught it in December 2019, god it was awefull. sickest ive ever been, as nobody knew about it then I like many others went to the doctors. In their infinate wisdom the quacks had no idea, take some paracetamol and drink plenty of fluids...very helpfull....thanks for nothing.
Seriously though lockdown when it happened was the best thing to ever happen to me, nearly a year out to figure where im going in life, did I manage to figure it out, some yes, some not so. Its the usual story of happiness and heartache, I'm sure its the same for everyone?
Lockdown where to begin, utterly happy no work, getting paid for staying at home, plenty of time for listing on ebay, yes I did make a ton of money and then lost interest in ebay for various reasons. The reasons I forget, pain in the ass going to the post office every day, pain in the ass with people just being cocks. People god how I despise some people, right up to lockdown I was one of those cocks, just using people for fuel, as Pink Floyd said "Keeping people as pets" I cant belive I was that stupid.
Right up to lockdown I was as they say a player, most of us know what that means right? booty calls in the middle of the night, married women walking through my door for sex, I thought it made me happy, it never did just made me misserable without knowing it! Some men may be going WOW! right now but truth is they have probably never felt like an object, like a sex toy with no batteries, felt dirty afterwards to the point where a shower is not good enough. Truth be known it was a 50/50 desision, god knows why they threw themselves at me, perhaps its a lack of attention at home or just being a bored housewife, I was never without some company or other, not one of them ever stayed overnight, staying overnight means so much to me. Its a closeness that I love as Is waking up to someone you care for, unfortunately they didnt care for me and I didnt care for them...
Thank fuck for lockdown, time to myself to discover what and who I am, so what to do? as gently as I can after deciding I'm doing the wrong thing to quietly get them out of my life, they are not true friends, just sad women that have no balls to either move on in their lives or realise that things are over the minute they stepped through my door. Some of it I was happy about other times terrified incase I never met anybody genuine enough to like me for me. That particular struggle is still ongoing, I mean who wants a middle aged over weight biker with a penchant for doing his own thing and taking no shit from anybody? Hopefully some lucky woman will but thats in the future right? We shall see.
It took nearly a year and a half to get myself out of that particular hole, very very clingy some women, eventually I had to get real mean, by mean I dont mean violent, thats the very very last resort and reserved for men who deserve such violence, I mean cutting them off completely, blocking faceache, blocking numbers, in one case asking to remove themselves from my flat, in another case being shouted at down the phone, instead of hanging up, I just walked away until the lady in question got bored and hung up. How did I feel about that? complete and utter funk! thats how, but sometimes its better to be cruel than kind.
So that left me in lockdown not able to go see the elderly parents, no where to go, nothing but netflix, ebay and the ps4....god that ps4 took a the point where id wake up in the morning put the thing on and switch it off at bedtime, sometimes not even then, just keep on going through the night, I loved every second of it!! It became an extension of me, rdr2, id lookout my kitchen window and in my mind shoot ten birds and kill a squirrel!! ffs thats an addiction.
What else happened? I live in a block of flats, where we all pretty much live on our own, we all came together looked after each other and generally chatted, I've never known anything like it, its a very strange feeling we are all still friends now but we have drifted our own seperate ways again...
The gym went out the window, in the first week I walked my goal..a marathon...over two days, it took just over 8 hours but I did it, that was the end in my interest of keeping fit, the gym has called once or twice since but its not a big calling and as of now im ignoring it.
Back to work after the first lockdown for a few months then the 2nd lockdown hit, from november to May of last year, that one both destroyed my world and gave me the chance to build a new one, it completely destroyed my head garden, you know the fresh grass, the beautifull flowers, the fence to keep bad out, some fucker came into my garden and destroyed everything, I'm trying to rebild it, but stronger mostly im succeeding, the grass is fresh, the flowers are new and bright, the fence has been replaced by a very very strong wall and I'm building myself a castle to keep me sane, all the bad is going in the dungeon in a very small cage to be only brought out in instances of writing about now.
My arse has gone numb, ive gotta get up for a minute and walk around...
I'm not going to go into the gory details, as they are firmly locked away in that dungeon, but someone I turly trusted 100% decided it was a good idea to break that trust and sexually assault me, it broke my world, some would say why didnt I knock his lights out, simple answer is one day I will, but first the courts and my solicitor will have their piece of him. It destroyed everything took away the confidence id built over a number of years, destroyed my garden, ripped my world into shreds, its been over a year now and I'm still rebuilding, its not an easy task, sometimes I have to relive those memories be it for the police or someone else. I eventually got into a therapist who worked for a group called Rape Crisis. They were wonderfull, it was a hour long conversation avery other week about everything I felt like talking about, from April until September I leaned on them like a crutch, gradually I put that episode into its box and locked it away in the dungeon....sometimes I dream about it, but I know he can never worm his way back in, I will never give him the chance or the time, what greavs me most is that he has not learned, some other poor fucker will be suffering him now, I hope one day they realsie just how much of a coward he really is and get out the same way I have done.
So life now is awesome, thanks to that I have a fantastic job, I can work any hours I feel like, I could go now if I wished but the suns shining, ive good music playing, and for perhaps the first time in a few weeks im completely happy....the last couple of weeks, hmmmm we will get to them eventually.
Right time for the MCC, despite what Ive said in an earlier chapter I have discovered the joy of motorbiking, the freedom that jumping on a bike represents and the brotherhood that goes with it, unfortunately as much as I'd like it that brootherhood is not for me, too much of a lone wolf I guess, although the craziest one amongst them thought I was and am crazyier then him....not on a bike but at the parties..omg the parties...eppic eppic much booze and laughter, fire breathing and chewing the shit around a bonfire, utterly fantastic, a bike makes some very strange bedfellows. It all turned sour though eventually, I lost my best friend for many years, perhaps for ever, I just dont know. This is something else locked in my dungeon, half of it free to revisit at anytime, the other half best kept away from the light of day, to only be brought out as a very old man to relive those experiences. As of now I'm saving for a bike and maybe not this year but next year I will experience that freedom again.
The MCC happened between the first lockdown and April this year, theres something about April thats either a jinx or a good thing, I'm both looking forward and dreading next April!!
Over the last few months, I've had help from one friend in particular, as always she will remain anonymous, she is a very very good friend, as some of you know I have more female friends than male, my life has always been that way. Anyhow I am starting to ramble, this friend gave me some very very good advice, along the lines of not to sell myself cheap, hold out for someone that truly cares enough about me, is interested in everything I do and I'm interested in everything that they do and are interested in, it doesnt matter what they look like, age doesnt matter, nothing matters except that connection. Two weeks ago I thought I found that connection, at first it was utterly fantastic, Saturday night party, some booze, some shenanigans, the usual thing. The alarm bells were silent, I think looking back I ignored them, they should have been extremely loud. I could go into all the gory details, but suffice to say this week its felt like I was back with the evil woman I first started writing this blogg about...feeling I had to say "I love you" feeling like I'd be in trouble for everything. I cant and won't live my life like that. So either like a coward or a warrior, I did the best thing for me. My own happiness has to come before everyhing else.
Thats it, sorry its been so long since my last chapter, I only feel the need now as and when, its been a long long time.
I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Wenchette, for the balls to tell me not to sell myself cheap, and to Kiddo for the inspiration to pick myself up off the floor and climb that mountain.
Still no spell checker this my dear friends is raw sraight from me to you xxxx