New York January 1920
I couldnt see! I tried opening my eyes, the muscles didnt work! I tried screaming, opened my mouth and screamed! that worked I could scream, I filled my lungs full of cold cold winter air and screamed as loud as I possibly could!.
I felt rough wet fingers grabbing hold of my legs, felt that very very rough skin enfolding itself around the back of my knees, what felt like a thumb and finger grasping hold of my knees, the grip became tighter, started to hurt, I pulled in more air and screamed again! I felt myself being lifted up into the air, it wasnt right though I could feel fluid flowing into my nose and flowing over my eyes. I breathed some more of that cold air, this time it hurt, I screamed again!
I felt a thump on my back, it hurt! I screamed again. another thump on my back. Please stop! Stop! it hurts! Something flew out of my mouth! The feel of fluid stopped, I felt something rough on my face, whatever it was the feel of it removing the fluid from my face was nice, I liked it, I tried not to scream again, I gurgled.
A warm fuzzy feeling passed over me, ever so warm, it felt like I was floating, I could feel the warmth spreading through me. Its time I thought, time to open my eyes and see whats happening. My eyelids slowly came open.
It took me a few seconds for my eyes to adjust, I was looking down onto a bed, laid in the bed was a woman, she had dark curly hair, dark hauntingly beautiful hair. She looked as white as a clean crisp lilly I could see something flowing from her eyes, they must be tears, yes tears, but not tears of joy these were tears of sorrow.
I let my gaze move further down she was holding something to her chest, somehow I knew what she was holding. I could see a tiny, tiny head of brown hair and a body covered in blood, between the blood I could see horrible patches of blue and green. I knew instinctively that the child in her arms was not going to live for long.
My vision started to fade, no matter how hard I tried to keep my eyes open, my field of vision was slowly being reduced to nothing, I didnt feel afraid, a warm glow was spreading from inside me, I knew now what that feeling is, its love. The love a mother feels for her newborn but dying infant. I closed my eyes and lost myself into the warmth of that love.
Norma Helen Wells
Born 3:35am January 28th 1920
Died 3:37am January 28th 1920
Its said that we die twice, once when we pass away and again when our name is said for the very last time.
The real Norma Helen Wells was born in July 1928 and lived for 17 hours. her ashes are at rest in Chapel of the Pines California, Vault number 3, Cremation 10222, date of internment 28th July 1928.
For whatever reason her ashes were never claimed.
Rest in Peace Norma Helen Wells.