This chapter started as all the other chapters have started as just another story from my life, but something changed, the more I went into it, the more I wanted to branch out into something different. I'm not sure if I should be happy or shy or embarrassed about publishing this, perhaps all 3, anyway hope you all enjoy. Gaz
Death, takes many forms, stalks in many ways, its always there constantly looking over all our shoulders. Day or night 24 hours a day 7 days a week from birth to, well death. I know not to fear death now, its nothing to worry about, its inevitable, the one thing not a single person alive and reading this can escape from, but death can be cheated, it is possible to look death straight in the face and then step back, back from oblivion, back from that darkness.
I discovered death a couple of months ago in a hospital bed, nothing too major just a gangrenous appendicitis, lying on my back trying not to scream in agony, waiting for the pain relief to kick in, the thought entered my head "Gaz your going to die". That changed things I calmed down the pain receded and I knew it to be true, untreated I was most definitely going to die, a 100% certainty.
How things can change so quickly, just two days before id been fit, healthy, happy enjoying life. Over night a pain developed in my belly, nothing major just a bout of food poisoning no big deal just drink lots of water, clean my system out, maybe take some pain killers. Might go away in a few hours or a couple of days a week at most, if only it was that simple!
The pain didn't go away, it got worse, I started having a fever, running hot and cold, this is complete gibberish, its not what I want to write about at all, its a dark time in my life that I'd like to put behind me but its changed me, not for the good either. Having my belly cut open and going through a 3 hour operation has screwed me up, screwed me over, fucked me up, however I look at things it has changed me, I fear not for the good. I'm angry now, angry about nothing, angry about everything. I don't seem to be able to do anything about it, the more i try not to be angry the more angry I get, I just don't know what to do anymore, its extremely frustrating!!
So what can I do? just go with the flow perhaps? screw myself into the ground worrying about it or just, just what? I have no fucking idea!!
So what should I write about? my feelings that I cant explain to myself? try to explain how frustrating everything is? how bad I feel about something that was out of my control? how self conscious I now feel about my belly, my whole body in general? or should I write about Vampires!
Vampires! pffft everyone and his slave are on the vampire bandwagon, perhaps a good sex story? yea right that's been done to death as well, well okay, then how about a vampirish sex story? yep, getting somewhere now but not quite there yet.
As much as I'd like too sex is a good subject to write about, perhaps write about some personal experiences but mix things up a bit, I'm tired of writing about myself, you see nothing interesting happens to me, my life is dull, dull as murky dish water. My minuscule existence in this world is only interesting to me, so why not, yes fuck it.
Or my life was dull, its not dull anymore, all of a sudden I have a purpose, a purpose that I can fill. Fill my life with words, with letters that go together to make chapters, chapters that make books, books and more books. I'm bursting now bursting with things to write about, just writing this drivel has given me a purpose again, something to strive for, something to do!
My mind keeps returning to them, fascinating creatures, so clever, so dark, so scary, but sexy so very very sexy. You see I'd like to be one, but how does one become a vampire? ask any vampire and they will tell you they don't exist, they are just a figment of feverish minds but are they? Is it possible that those sexy creatures of the night are so intertwined with fiction that nobody believes they exist?
I think they do exist, like fairies at the bottom of your garden, you cant see them, cant hear them but you know they are there. See, you have to believe, if you believe you will hear them, see them, feel them, I believe. I believe in life after death, in vampires, in fairies, in a world of my own making that perhaps, just perhaps I can put into words for you all to enjoy, well first of all just for me to enjoy.
Yes, that's the most important thing, to put it into words, for my own enjoyment, for my own selfish pleasure.
So here we go then, into a world of the unknown, a world that is for my own selfish needs, a world that will be brutal, beautiful, sexy, filled with blood, devoid of life, a world of the dead.
Now where were we? Oh! yea my operation. Hmmmmm yea well things didn't quite go as planned, you see there was a few complications. Complications that I had no control over, no choice in the matter at all. The exact details are fuzzy in my mind, my mind! ha, yea, a mind that remains foggy, that is not going to clear any time soon, its so frustrating.
The operating theatre's walls were a funny colour red, why would they be red? Lots of people seemingly just milling around, all dressed in funny blue uniforms, odd looking people, all wearing masks, except one, just the one strange woman, standing casually in the corner, face indistinct, but wearing a cloak of dark purple. She struck me as funny, something odd in her appearance. I couldn't quite place what was funny about her.
Its only now recalling these events that I remember her, strange as it sounds I don't remember a lot, the more I write these things down the more I remember, like a home movie being played in my mind. Next I know, a clear mask is being lowered over my face, theres cool air coming through the mask, it feels calming, I am calm. Why am I calm? I should be on the verge of panic, these people are going to cut me open, cut parts out of my body, mutilate me! I have to trust them, they should know what they are doing, dear god I hope they do!
My head starts to get heavy, theres an overwhelming feeling of getting heavier, my body doesn't feel like its mine anymore, I have no body, I'm just a pair of eyes looking out of a head that no longer belongs to me. That's a strange idea, that I'm just a pair of eyes, fascinating. Could it be, is it possible? possible that I am literally just a pair of eyes? That thought is so ridiculous! If I'm just a pair of eyes then I should be able to look around me.
Darkness takes over, a delicious sweet darkness, its neither heavy or light, its just a non descript darkness. Perhaps that's not the correct word, nothing, yes that's it theres nothing. So if theres nothing why am I looking at the woman in the corner?
I can see her now, blond hair, blue eyes, bright red lips, but shes as white as marble, I can see she is old, extremely old yet she looks to be in her early 30s. I have no idea who she is or why she's standing in the corner of the operating theatre, whats going on? I cant move, yet I know that if I wanted to I could get up and walk over to her. So why don't I? it seems a good idea, just casually move over to her.
So that's what I do, just get up and walk over to her, that cloak is amazing! a real rich deep Purple, I've never seen a more vivid colour! Hang on I'm at the very beginnings of a major operation so how can I possibly be up and walking around? That thought is gone just as quickly as it appeared, its irrelevant, not interesting, nearly boring, what is interesting is the woman standing before me, she is tall, very very tall, I'm six foot and a bit, yet I have to look up to see her face, those eyes! Deep blue and twinkling like the very brightest of stars. She smiles at me, a warm welcoming smile.
We stand looking at each other, could just be for a second or two, or minutes, maybe hours, I just don't know, it doesn't seem important. The folds of her cloak start to unravel, a slow deliberate movement, like shes not trying to startle or scare me, do I need to be scared? perhaps I should be? No I don't need to be scared, her hand appears from the cloak, shes holding a scroll. This is getting weird now!
She holds the scroll out towards me. I look at the scroll then look up at her, theres a slight questioning look on her face, I know now what I have to do, take the scroll from this strange woman and read it. Okay that's easier said than done, the scroll looks old, very very old, its yellow with age, with my luck it will probably be written in Latin or Welsh or some such forgotten language. With just a slight tremble to my hand I reach out my right hand, she places the scroll into my hand, all this time we have not said a word to each other.
I look down at the scroll I can see that it is indeed very old, its tied closed with a small red ribbon in a neat little bow, with my left hand I take one of the bows ends and begin to pull, the knot springs open surprisingly easily. The scroll also springs open like its got a mind of its own, I can see a jumble of numbers and letters seemingly thrown onto the scroll in a random manner but the more I look at it the more the letters and numbers arrange themselves until finally they make a list. My eyes just scan over the list quickly not taking any of it in, theres a collum of numbers on the left, with a row of words next to each number, at the top there is some writing in bold I read....
To be reading this, you are dead
A shiver of fear races from my head down my spine through my legs and into my feet! dead! fuck! dead! fuck fuck fuck! dead! well shit isn't that just fantastic! no fuck, I cant be dead! I've just got my life sorted out things cant be ending now, life is just getting interesting! shit shit and double shit!
I look up into the face of the woman, she gazes back at me, looks me straight in the eyes and winks at me! well, hell no, this cant be happening! theres no way I'm dead! I'm dreaming! that's it, yes I'm dreaming, I will wake up any moment now, operation sorted, alive and kicking. It doesn't happen, I don't wake up! My mind explodes in a picture of clarity, if I turn around I can see what the doctors and nurses are doing to me, if I can see that I will wake up!
I damn near pirouette around as fast as I can, the sight that greats me is just devastating, all of a sudden I know I'm not dreaming, I know that it is true that I am indeed dead. My body turns numb, all thoughts leave my mind. I'm stunned completely and utterly in shock. I'm looking at myself on the operating table, I can see a gaping wound in my belly, from my belly button down to my groin, oddly theres no blood pumping out, there should be blood! I look at my face, then I know for damn sure that this is real, I look dead, my eyes are closed my mouth and nose are blue and most obviously of all I'm not breathing!
I see a clip board resting on my legs just below that awful wound, there's a pink sheet of paper attached to it, I scan over it quickly some of the words catch my eye and I read:-
10:27 AM 27TH JULY 2017