The First Month, January 2015
I moved into my flat on the 9th of January, the first night I spent on the floor in a makeshift bed. I loved it! It was so peaceful and quiet, so dark, I felt safe and secure. Not knowing what my next move would be, I fell asleep, that sleep was a good one, one of the best nights sleep I would have for the next few months or so. If I had known that I would have enjoyed it a lot more.
The next morning, my phone woke me up, it was a silly time in the morning, my dad. He wanted to know how I was, how I was keeping. This was a Saturday morning. I told him about what had happened, (I'm sure he knew, but I told him anyway) about sleeping on the floor, about having no furniture.
My dad stepped up to the plate, he knew I had no money, no job, he offered, bless him, he offered to take me out furniture shopping. First stop was Tescos, for a kettle, (Important things first, right?) next Morrison's, for a toaster. Sat in Morrison's car park, he asked me what else I would like. I tentatively said "A bed, maybe a settee?" he just looked at me "Where are we going to get those from?" "I have no idea " I replied. "The British Heart Foundation? maybe", "Ok lets go have a look".
The heart foundation shop in Skeg is a big one, they have loads of things in, most of it crap, but one of the beds stood out, I saw it immediately, love at first sight with a bed, of all things. This bed was brilliant, a double divan, four draws, it split into two parts, so getting it through the flat door would be easy. The mattress was also a good one, one of those sleep easy ones, no headboard though, I guess you can't have everything. I still don't have a headboard!
I had to have that bed, it was by far the best and cheapest in the shop. We stood there looking at it for ages, "you sure?" said dad, "yep" I pretended to keep a straight face, it was difficult. He went in his pocket and gave me a wad of bank notes, I didn't bother counting them, just said thank you and headed toward the till. Paying for the bed I also arranged delivery, it would arrive on Monday, they don't do deliveries on a weekend.
Not one of the sofas in that shop got my attention, they were all old fuddy duddy ones, or too expensive, I didn't want to spend too much of my dads money, knowing that sooner or later I would pay him back, so keeping the spend low, was a good idea.
I wondered where to go next. I knew of a second hand furniture warehouse, on one of the industrial estates. We headed over, walking through the door into the show room, it stood out, right at the back of the room a two seater sofa in red. A three seater wont fit through my front door.
I don't know what to call it, intuition perhaps? but if things feel right they generally are, that bed was right, my car, when I found her felt good (more of Christine in another chapter) my flat was the same, it felt good, it was the same with this sofa, it felt good, felt right. I knew it would be my next item of furniture.
Stringing things out a bit, we had a butchers at other stuff in the warehouse, nothing took my eye, except that sofa, a two seater in red, with swirly arms and comfy cushions. The covers all come off for washing, it just felt right. My dad didn't think much about it being red, but a plan was forming. My crappy wallpaper has some red in it, so a red sofa was just the thing. Paying for it, I arranged for delivery, yet again they don't deliver on a weekend, so it would be the next week, a Wednesday.
Jumping back in dads car, our next stop was back at Tescos, it was a food stop this time, I now had a kettle and a toaster, a bed and a sofa. The shopping list wasn't a big one, some milk, bread, beans and a jar of coffee. In the middle of Tescos my phone rang, it was Kathy. Talk about ruining a good day, I figured this phone call would, turns out it didn't.
Taking a deep breath I answered the phone, I made my mind up to be as polite as possible. "Hello?" "Hi Gaz, its me, (yea, no shit Sherlock, I know) look, I'm going through the house, sorting it out, its not fair that I keep everything, I'm sorting your stuff out, putting it into boxes for you, when I'm done packing it, you can come over and collect it. What else would you like?" She was being friendly! My mind went straight into overdrive, (everything you fucking bitch!) "I've nothing to cook with, no cooker or anything, how about the halogen oven, some plates, knifes and forks, a few mugs?" She started to make excuses about not giving me the halogen oven. The main one being how would she cook? Calm as a cucumber, straight out the fridge, I explained to her that she had a perfectly good cooker sitting in the kitchen attached to the gas mains, why didn't she use that for cooking? "Oh! yea!" came the reply. "I can cant I?" There and then I wanted to do a great big Homer Simpson DOH! very loudly. I managed to smother it though, just.
So that was that, I now had some cooking tools, it made me sweat again, the thought of fetching them. I needn't have worried though. My dad dropped me off at home, I took the kettle and toaster upstairs, dropping them off in the kitchen, I decided to unpack them later, to savour the moment. I took a moment or two out, just sat on my kitchen stool, next to that lovely view and smoked a ciggy or three.
I had to go and do it again, I had to go and face that malignancy she called a home. Over the whole of January, I would be backwards and forwards to that place, collecting my bits and pieces, collecting what was my past life. I had faced it before to fetch some bedding, I could do it again. Still the thought of it made me sweat, and smoke, damn. I got through a lot of cigarettes in that month.
She wasn't there! Just her friend again, everything I needed was in the kitchen. She had packed the oven, some plates, knives and forks and a few mugs. As an after thought, I also liberated a can opener, good thinking or what! and rescued a coffee machine. Fresh brewed coffee! love the stuff. Yet again, I got out of that place pretty damn sharpish. The atmosphere was still oppressive, still that malignancy about it. It made my nose twith like a rabbit on steroids. (I will get round to my twitchy nose and what it meant, soon enough)
Where does time go? I have no idea but that day just flew past, by the time I got home it was dark again, I can't remember what else I did that day, they're must have been other things, what they were I don't know. Perhaps it was coffee at McDonald's, (Mcdees, would become a second home, but that's in the future) maybe I popped into my mothers, its just a blank.
I do remember my first meal, in my new home. Beans on toast, Cold beans, I had no way of warming them up, with a mug of fresh brewed coffee. Sat in my kitchen, enjoying the most simplest of meals with a nice drink, the feeling of accomplishment was huge. For the first, but not the last time, I sobbed, not because I was sad or anything, for the first time in years I was happy.
To Be Continued.......
I'm skirting around various issues. I'm sat here right now with Top Gear on the TV, with all these words babbling out of me, typing as fast as I can, knowing that I haven't even begun to get to the nitty gritty of my story yet, it scares me. It scares me to death. I have to keep going though. I didn't write anything yesterday, I had to have a break, just to think about things, think things through in my mind. Its painful, very painful.
A few people have asked me if doing this is making things better. I answer yes, but I'm not so sure, the one thing I am sure of is that I have to get it out of me. Its like a tumour, a dirty great malignant tumour. I want it out, it has to go.
It feels like someone else writing this blog, I hit the keys on my laptop, and words appear on the screen. I get to the end of a chapter and while I'm proof reading it, I'm thinking to myself, did I write that? Where is it coming from? as yet, I don't know the answer to that question.